About Jen & Heathar

Meet Jen

Hola, I’m Jen. I grew up in downtown Phoenix, Arizona around golf courses and laundry mats. I did not believe that a seed could turn into a plant until my mid-twenties. As soon as I graduated from college, I RAN to the closest organic farm I could find. Okay, not the closest but the most beautiful. I spent the next three years traveling around the world and farming in Hawaii, Costa Rica and New Zealand until eventually, I found my way back to New Mexico where I have lived (for the most part) ever since - the desert has my heart.

While I love gardening and homesteading, I have other loves and passions as well. I have spent the last fifteen years of my life studying alternative healing and now work as a professional astrologer and depth psychotherapist to individuals and couples all over the world. Along with the blog I write for Ojo Conejo, I write a weekly Substack called: We Need to Talk
that helps folks navigate relationship challenges and struggles.

You can find my other work here:

Meet Heathar

I’m Heathar. I was raised on a farm in the backwoods of upstate New York (to most people’s surprise, not all of New York is Manhattan - the majority of the land in New York is actually agricultural and mountainous land). My childhood consisted of cutting wood from our forest to heat our home in the winter, tending the gardens, making sure the beef cattle didn’t escape, feeding the pigs leftover milk and helping my mom in the kitchen (my mom is a very small Sicilian kitchen wizard). I was also a hardcore athlete and played Division One basketball.

I thought I was going to be an athlete all my life. But, in my early 20’s I experienced a life changing car accident that resulted in a TBI (traumatic brain injury). As a result, my body could no longer perform in the physical, rigorous way that it once did. This led me down the alternative healing path to find ways that my body could feel better. I devoured alternative health education, got a BA in nutrition, studied ancestral foods, attended acupuncture school and received a PhD in homeopathy.

Today, I spend much of my time in the pasture with our cows, in the kitchen making ancestral foods grown on our land and produced by our cows and I have a full time homeopathic healing practice where I help people overcome acute and chronic illness.

You can learn more about my work at www.heatharshepard.com or by visiting me on IG:@ eat_heal_farm